Westmalle Tripel Trappist beer(Ratebeer: 99pts)(Best Before: March 8 2023)
330ml x 2
A- Pours a turbid deep yellow to amber with a nice lacey head. Looks beautiful and enticing.
S- What a lovely smell! Fruit esters followed by a little hop spice with a dose of breadiness and tinges of yeast. Little bit of booze in the nose that mixes perfectly with the other aromas. The smell gets more intense as you let this beer warm.
T- A little dry up front, then bready with banana yeast and Belgian-candi undertones, some fruit esters and a hint of hops. A very complex, incredible assemblage that ceases to amaze and just gets better the longer the beer sits.
M- Incredible. Crisp, perfect amount of carbonation, not at all syrupy. Just delightful.
D- This is truly the mother of all tripels, and currently my favorite ale to rock on. It's just done so well. The mix is fantastic, and for being 9.5% it really goes down smooth. The vibe of it is great if you have a few too. Grab a 750ml, a chalice, and sit down and enjoy it all to yourself. This beer just opens up the warmer it gets, so let it chill and you will ride this brew to heaven. A: like an over ripened orange and hazy, not really cloudy but still opaque. Half to one finger of white head that thins out. Slightly effervescent and leaves small amounts of thin lacing.
S: oranges and dark citrus fruits with a good amout of fruity yeast esters and biscuity malt notes. Its heavy on the malt and yeast but the hops are defiantly present.
T: same dark citrus fruits and still heavy on the malt and yeast. Biscuit is there through the whole taste and it ends with something similar to a granny smith apple taste (I now there is a word for it that starts with a D but I can't remember it). A bit peppery in the after taste that lingers.
MF: it has a medium body and is creamy, its also fairly effervescent. The alcohol isn't at all noticeable and the flavors transfer into one another smoothly. This is a filling beer that could easily double as a small meal!
D: you can almost taste the rarity! Yum! All kidding aside this beer has been brewed to a standard that can not easily be met. There is a special feeling you get when you drink a trappist ale. They are brewed to such prefection that not only are they the tastyest beers in the world they also have a story. This is an easy buy again when I can find it!